
Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://data.ufl.udn.vn/handle/UFL/1455
Title: An investigation into the stylistic device of climax used in english and vietnamese pop songs
Other Titles: LVTHS2014-8220201-479
Authors: PGS.TS. Trương Viên
Cao Thị Vân
Keywords: stylistic device of climax
used in english and vietnamese pop songs
pop songs
The English Language
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Đà Nẵng
Abstract: This study examines the syntactic, semantic and stylistic features of climax used in English and in Vietnamese. The analysis, discussions and comments have been made to point out the syntactic, semantic and stylistics similarities and differences of climax in the two languages. In addition, the distribution of this rhetorical device has been clearly presented based on a survey of 200 samples of climax in English and another 200 in Vietnamese, which are mainly taken from pop songs. Some main findings are: 1) stylistic features, 2) the syntactic features and 3) semantic features. Accordingly, some pedagogical implications in the language teaching as well as suggestions have been offered in the hope that they can benefit not only the English teachers and learners but also translators and those who are concerned in the area of linguistics and music.
URI: https://data.ufl.udn.vn/handle/UFL/1455
Appears in Collections:Ngôn ngữ Anh

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